Hello Laziness.

2005/08/12 12:33:00

My Tram time recently has been spent reading, Hello Laziness, Why hard work doesn’t pay. by Corinne Maier. Corinne is a bitter French lady that has spent to much time in big business and from this has documented not so much a guide for how to be lazy but an insight into why people are getting away with it already. I found it a little scary more than anything as I read each chapter I could relate it to the people round me or worse still to myself. It has given me a little boost to know that we are just one of many big business that have grown up to be totally inefficient and no amount of ’streamlining’ is going to change that any time soon. There is a complete chapter on jargon and it’s role in business as a way to hide the lack of any real content that made me stop and think. How many times have you come away from a meeting wondering what really was said?

All in all a good read.

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