This feed contains pages in the "website" category.

Outsoursing Comment

I have outsoursed my my comments to Disqus, mostly because it had the most Web2.0 name. It should now be easier to comment here if I ever post any content that is!

Posted Wed May 28 12:26:38 2008 Tags: /tags/website

Planet Choffee and a small shift

I setup Planet Choffee some time ago as a place to aggregate all the many places that I seem to feed stuff into the web from. It is now ticking along nicely and so that is where you should be looking for when you want to see what I am up to. My blog posts are mostly small comments so I will probably move those over to a service like Pownce. I tend to upload photos to various sites so this should pull them all together and it also catches all the stuff that I find interesting on the web as well.

So go have a look and maybe add the master feed to your reader if it's not to noisy.


Posted Fri May 16 15:29:52 2008 Tags: /tags/website

Bang up to date with ipv6 and all that.

You can now access this site using ipv6. Yippeee. Aren't I ahead of the game?

The main site now has an ipv6 address but if you want to test your ipv6 support then you can visit ( Note if you get an host not found error then you probably don't have ipv6)

IPv6 by the way is the next generation internet protocol giving a metric shed load more network addresses and a lot of other benifits such as roaming and automated routeing and address configuration. It is only just now starting to be supported by some ISP's but the more people that use it the quicker it will become the norm and we will all be happier.

Posted Mon Apr 14 22:56:28 2008 Tags: /tags/website


As the mountain of Web2.0 stuff grows I sign up for them all. Just to be down with the kids. I realise that this can be difficult to keep up with so I introduce PlanetPlanetChoffee(There is also a link from the front page). Basically it gathers all my useless stuff together in on place for all to see. Have fun reader.

Posted Tue Feb 19 16:17:48 2008 Tags: /tags/website

Mobile Choffee

I have added a mobile version of choffee using the Mowser mobile service.

Mowser is quite a nice service. It works by stripping down a site for mobile browsing you can setup your site to use it or you can browse other sites from your mobile.

Posted Mon Jan 7 11:58:28 2008 Tags: /tags/website

New Haircut New Website.

It's all change now. I have got enough in place now that I am happy to move to this new site. A couple of things to note are that the feeds are changing for all of you that just reed via a reader and the old ramble entries are there in static form but with none of the old comments as yet. ( I need to read up some more on the SQL to get those out.) You can comment on any page on my site and even edit things if you want to but please respect that it is mostly my stuff! You can login using an OpenID and just go ahead and leave comments etc. I will see how long I last before the spammers get carried away and I have to turn it all off and roll back to a nice version.

Oh and I am now using IkiWiki for my site which uses a nice version control system as a back end and is really simple to use. I can create posts in ?Vim again!!

Posted Wed Dec 6 22:14:01 2006 Tags: /tags/website
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