This feed contains pages in the "general" category.

I discovered the puppet define command the other day and thought it would be useful to be able to access that from within vim so I created a little function to do it. Thought it might be useful for others so I have noted it here.

Just drop this into ~/.vim/ftplugin/puppet.vim and you should be good to go. Typing \pt ( ,puppet,type ) when over a puppet type should pop up a definition.

Edit: Now available to download from github.

" Takes some settings
" g:puppet_command The location of the puppet command
if !exists('g:puppet_command')
  let g:puppet_command = 'puppet'
" g:puppet_doc_widown - The type of puppet doc window to open
if !exists('g:puppet_doc_window')
  let g:puppet_doc_window = 'split'


" Define a puppet type
function ?PuppetDefineType(fname)
  " Show the puppet definition of the current puppet type that the cursor is
  " sitting on.

  " Create a window with a new __doc__ buffer
  if bufnr("__doc__") >0
      execute g:puppet_doc_window.'| b __doc__'
      execute g:puppet_doc_window.' __doc__'
  " Make this buffer disposable
  setlocal noswapfile
  set buftype=nofile
  setlocal modifiable
  " Cleare the buffer
  normal ggdG
  "Read in the new description
  execute 'silent read !'.g:puppet_command.' describe '.fname
  " Go back to the top
  normal 1G
  setlocal nomodified
  set filetype=rst


" Setup two commands to define the word under the cursor
map <buffer> <leader>pt :call ?PuppetDefineType('<C-R><C-W>')<CR>
map <buffer> <leader>pT :call ?PuppetDefineType('<C-R><C-A>')<CR>

Things that may improve this are the ability to run the command from anywhere in the file and have it find the nearest type and referencing local types. Let me know if you find it useful and I may ask for it to be added to Rodjek's puppet vim module


Posted Tue Apr 24 08:34:22 2012 Tags: /tags/general

My new Seeeduino v3.0 arduino clone arrived today from Cool Components.

As a test I hooked up a DHT11 temp sensor and it all worked a treat. I like the colours too!

new seeduino

So now I know that the office got up to 22 deg C and 49% humidity.

temp screenshot

I have added a Arduino page with some details of how I compiled the code without the GUI as at the moment running the GUI crashes my X server and logs me out.

Posted Thu Feb 9 22:01:05 2012 Tags: /tags/general

Please remember that Google search statistics are not a measure of the truth but how many people are writing about something on the web. Comparing the number of hits for "successful mergers" with "failed mergers" just proves at best that more people like writing about the number of failed mergers and does not give you a ratio of failures to successes. ( But I won't be expressing that to the person sitting next to me on the train.)

Posted Tue Apr 28 12:14:08 2009 Tags: /tags/general

Stuff I like is no good for me.

More and more sites are starting to pattern match my tastes with other people then using that to suggest things that I may like. This is good in a way as I point out websites, music or podcasts that I like then the service would suggest other things that I may want.

This is good for finding things on my level but it misses the option to push me. To suggest things that I may like but that are better for me. The things that are within my topic range but are a little above me in the level of content. How can it pull in the level of the podcast as well. It would be good if you could rate the item with a "I like it" and also a "This is too simple" or "This is too complex" button. Then you could ask for a selection of stuff that is a bit too complex for yourself so that it would be pusing you a little.

Still it could be worse there could only be the option to see the "most popular" and I would be left with a load of cats doing silly things and clips of big brother.

Posted Thu Aug 14 09:52:15 2008 Tags: /tags/general

Outsoursing Comment

I have outsoursed my my comments to Disqus, mostly because it had the most Web2.0 name. It should now be easier to comment here if I ever post any content that is!

Posted Wed May 28 12:26:38 2008 Tags: /tags/general

Planet Choffee and a small shift

I setup Planet Choffee some time ago as a place to aggregate all the many places that I seem to feed stuff into the web from. It is now ticking along nicely and so that is where you should be looking for when you want to see what I am up to. My blog posts are mostly small comments so I will probably move those over to a service like Pownce. I tend to upload photos to various sites so this should pull them all together and it also catches all the stuff that I find interesting on the web as well.

So go have a look and maybe add the master feed to your reader if it's not to noisy.


Posted Fri May 16 15:29:52 2008 Tags: /tags/general

Lucky bird shit

If a bird shits on your cycle helmet when you leave it at the station overnight is that still lucky?

Posted Tue Apr 15 09:33:54 2008 Tags: /tags/general

Readers comments.

My reader complained that she (kaff) could not leave a comment. Worse than that, after crafting a nice reply in the discuss window, having got herself a ?OpenID, she lost it when it did not work.

Whoops! There is nothing in the logs that suggest any errors and I have just added a comment to a discuss page using the web and it all looks okay. I have upgraded to ?ikiwik 1.48 recently so that may help. If you do get some time then have another go and drop me an email/im/voip if it does not work.


Posted Thu Apr 12 12:33:07 2007 Tags: /tags/general

Should all staff be trained in MS Access?

As part of one of the government initiates for IT they require all of their staff who use computers to go through the Computer Driver training course. This might be considered great and for a lot of people it is probably a real help at the start. It gives them a good grounding in what to do with the big scary box on the desk how to make it do some of the stuff that they might want it to. This is a good thing as computers are still not as simple as they could be ( considering the type of tasks that most uses want to accomplish they are hellishly over complex) but at what level should it stop?

I propose that the average user should not be sent on a course to learn how to do complex spreadsheets or databases but should instead be sent for training on how to set out what they are trying to achieve. This would then aide the Business and IT analysis to fit what they are doing in with the rest of the business needs and stop the them wasting their valuable time creating another copy of the data.

Take for instance the average database that is created. It will have a fairly poor user interface (They are very hard to do properly). It will probably duplicate data found elsewhere in the business. It will probably, if my experience is anything to go by, mean re-entering data that is held electronically elsewhere and more than likely overlap more than one other database or report elsewhere in the business.

My proposal is simple. Train the users in defining what they want to do, not how they want to do it. By this I mean not asking for an access database but asking for a way that their staff can change or report on a set of data. Then hand this off to somebody who has a larger understanding of the business systems and can slot your request into it with ease. Then get staff who understand user interfaces, the tools they are using and the business systems to code the required extensions to the main applications in a structured manor.

I think that this can work but it takes a large shift in how managers see IT. It has to be less of a basic support need and more of a crucial part of the business. The benefits of that swanky new billing system or customer management platform are fully dependent on the end users being able to spec out what they want and then for that to be integrated in a timely manner. The main change in this will be that you don't see the major costs of an IT project being soft and hard wares but in the people who are implementing the solutions.

Posted Fri Mar 9 11:09:16 2007 Tags: /tags/general


Das computermachine ist nicht fuer gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen. Das rubbernecken sichtseeren keepen das cotten-pickenen hans in das pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das blinkenlichten.

Taken from the offlineimap manual page.

Posted Wed Feb 7 14:14:01 2007 Tags: /tags/general
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